
The Finish Line

My GeekBeat article on destroying cancerous tumors with femtolasers was posted today; the link is below.
Today’s piece of the story brings us to the finishline of the race as Dann, Rose, Lydia and Jenny try to beat Cobb to the largest cache of survivors remaining aboard the UTS Rose Dawn.

The Race

Got back to doing some GeekBeat blogging today. I’ll post a link to that when the story goes live.  I’ve also got a new chapter done, 32. The race begins in earnest as Dann, Rose, Jenny and Lydia now know where Cobb is and have at least a good guess as to what he’s after—or at least they think they do!

Cobb's Hunt

Tonight I’ve got Chapter 31 up. Cobb’s still on the move, only his attention has been wrenched away, for a time at least.

A Quick Update Tonight

Tonight’s update is a bit short. I’m working out the specific sequence of events for the next section of story and doing it while racing the effects of a sleeping pill. Fun! Just wanted to bring chapter 30 to a close before we launch headlong into where things need to go next.

Camp NaNoWriMo August - Dead Sense

Ever since I finished my zombie story The Fast and the Dead back in February, I’ve been thinking that not only is the title no longer really appropriate but that I’d have to completely rewrite the story. This is doubly true since Camp NaNoWriMo in June, an experience that has taught me a huge amount about longer-form fiction.
So with less than two weeks remaining until Camp NaNoWriMo August, I’ve decided that my August project is going to be that rewrite. I’ll be using the first draft of TFatD as reference material, but I probably won’t have to refer to it all that much. I’ll be taking the core concepts of the story, and the characters, and fleshing both out into something much better. (At least I hope so!)
Gone will be a lot of the empty filler that I ended up writing when I didn’t know what else to write. Probably the most important thing I learned during June’s Camp NaNoWriMo was how to keep all that filler separate from the contents of the book, so with some luck, I should be able to keep it pretty tight.