My Other Projects
Other places on the web you can find me.-
My original blog.
I write for Livid Lobster's GeekBeat.TV tech/geek blog.
I have also contributed to Livid Lobsters' One Man's Blog.
Writers, Blogs & Podcasts
Fiction writer of sciency stories and podcasting pioneer.
A master of relateable characters in wonderful science fiction stories.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy podcast/bookgroup/forum hosted by Veronica Belmont & Tom Merritt.
Speculative fiction author and 'give it all away free' pioneer.
Master of Magic, budding SF author and Weird Things podcaster.
Freelance Writer & Interviewer
Home of Tom Merritt's growing library of published books and blogs.
Maureen Johnson is a fantastic YA author and has the funniest twitter feed in the universe at @maureenjohnson.