
Camp NaNoWriMo

I’ve been thinking for a while that I was at my most productive in this whole writing thing back in November for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and that it’d be really nice to get some of that high intensity output back. Thankfully I’m not the only one that feels that way. There are many initiatives throughout the year to do a novel in a month, since not everyone wants to do it in November, or like me, they want to do it more than just once a year. 

So this year I’m going to give Camp NaNoWriMo a try. It is pretty much what it sounds like; NaNoWriMo in the summer, a mental summer camp where you escape into your writing. Sounds pretty good to me. Just as a side note, NaNoWriMo isn’t the only group doing the novel-in-30-days thing in June; see also

This won’t change anything for my writing; I’ll still hold myself to everything I’m currently doing. (Even WIP500, which I haven’t updated here in a month, but I do still have all my blog posts I can use to update my word count as soon as I have time to do it.) The one change I’ll have to institute is a division between editing work and writing work. I’ll have a Camp NaNoWriMo project and I’ll be continuing to edit things on the side. Those editing things will count towards WIP500 but not towards CNaNoWriMo.

Anyone else feeling crazy enough to jump into this? Or is summer too busy a time for you? What about this coming November? Any NaNoWriMo 2012 people reading this? Let me know in the comments.


Repetative Stress Injury

Tonight’s writing is postponed due to RSI compounded by the lingering effects of my recent hand injury. Ow.


The Avengers Need No Avenging

Joss Whedon is one of those guys who just makes everything so easy. I got back earlier this evening from seeing The Avengers, and man is it good. It has all the classic Whedonesque elements of action and humor, characters and story that make me such a fan of Buffy and Angel and Firefly.

It’s making me think I should brush up on more of Whedon’s shows and maybe some comics too; I try to keep an eye on my own weaknesses, and one area I’m especially worried about in my work right now is pacing. Whedon is great at pacing.

I kind of want to write a review of this film, but to analyze the story properly would require a whole ton of spoilers. Instead I’ll just leave it at this, a brief discussion of the inspiration it has given me for my writing. Maybe I’ll review the story in a few weeks, when spoilers aren’t such an issue.


Happy Revenge of the Fifth day!

Yes, today’s the sequel to Star Wars (May the fourth be with you) Day. No proper update tonight, I’ve been having trouble sleeping so as I write this I’m fighting off the effects of a sleeping pill. And now off to crash. Update tomorrow!


Who Knew Hands Were So Important?

Remind me not to injure my hands anymore. It’s almost done healing, but what a process… ouch. Especially when you have to type a lot!

I’m back to the editing again as my other post shows, and wanted to share the link to the Walking Dead Game review I mentioned, which you can find at GeekBeat.

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