Entries in fiction (3)


Reorganizing Fiction Improbable

I’m going to be performing some much-needed reorganization of the site over the next while, hopefully just the next day or two. The biggest change is going to be immediately obvious to visitors of the front page; I’m putting the former “Blog” section front and center as the welcome to the site.

Beyond this though, I’m going to be making a point of posting to the blog on a more consitent basis, and I’ll also be working on a way to make finding the latest draft of specific stories easier.


An Improbable Series

As regular readers know, last night I finished An Improbable Journey. It was a blast to write, it went quickly, it was short and I’m feeling a lot of promise in the concept. The execution will need more work of course, but that’s what editing is for. I’m thinking I’ll do several more in this series in the near-term, hope you’ll let me know what you think of them!

As I went through the story my conception of the main character changed several times. At first I thought he was going to be a tech-savvy customer who would face the Herculean task of salvaging parts to repair a dead hulk on his own, but then I started to realize that wasn’t going to make for super-exciting storytelling unless I added an external threat of some sort, but I really didn’t want to do that. Instead I evolved my thinking into what you see in the finished draft; he’s a history/antiquity buff who lacks the skills he’s going to need to get out of this on his own, so he has to strike a deal with the devil to get out. The consequences of this will definitely be felt in future stories.

In my mind now, he’s in a good place to become a sort of Han Solo/Indiana Jones hybrid character, which isn’t as natural a fit as one might think. Solo was a rogue with a heart of gold, in it for himself unless he can be brought around to Do the Right Thing.

Indiana Jones is neither of those things. He’s the more action-oriented example of what Corwin is right now - an intellectual and historian.  When he goes on a grand quest, it’s never about personal gain, nor is it about Doing the Right Thing. For him, the rallying cry is “It belongs in a museum!” That, or his dad is dying.

I’m not setting out to create a character that mashes together both of Harrison Ford’s most iconic personas here. It’s more like the Space Quest influence on the story was; a sort of coloring. Corwin isn’t Han, nor is he Indy, but I’d be lying through my teeth if I tried to tell you those two guys aren’t coloring my thoughts as I write him.


That Awkward 'Between Stories' Feeling

So yesterday I finished off The Price of Independence, after 26 days working on it. And those 26 days don’t count the several days I wrote other things instead. In all I spent more than a month on that one story. That’s as long as it took me to write all the other Prices stories together.

That’s okay, stories are done when they’re done. The problem then becomes what to do next?

Instead of having something known to go back to and work on, I’m left with a blank canvas, a world without boundaries. I can write everything, which too often means I can write nothing. So I start looking for ways to narrow things down.

I admit it… Since the start of November, I’ve hit up tvtropes.com more than a few times. Their Story Generator is a great means of doing two things.

1: It can give you valuable sparks of inspiration that serve as catalysts for new ideas that give you new directions to explore.

2: It can be an evil time suck that keeps you from writing anything for days.

Obviously I try for #1.

I visited TVTropes again today when the time came to do my writing, and one of the very first that came up is something that’s been pinging around inside my head for a long time; years in fact. Not so much a whole story idea as a setting; I’m a sucker for post-apocalyptic fiction, and would like to try my hand at some fairly soon.

On the other hand, the pseudo-Christmas story I wrote over the holidays was set in the far future in what could be argued as post-apocalyptic Earth, so maybe I already have. It was fun to write too, as a mini-break from the proto-steampunk of Prices. Some more straight up sci-fi might be fun to get into.

That’s the other thing I do to come up with new ideas; your current writing is your most fertile ground for new concepts, whether they’re directly related to your current projects or not. Prices is a good example of that. I had only the roughest, most primitive ideas of what I wanted from that series of stories when I began writing The Price of Independence back in October. As I wrote it and then set it aside to write the others in November, ideas came to me faster and more readily as the fiction informed my thinking, metaphorically speaking to me and telling me which ideas to explore next.

Ultimately I think that’s the best source of new ideas, but you’ll still find me browsing TV tropes now and then. Send a rescue team if I’m there longer than a week though!

More on Prices:

I originally envisioned Prices as the title of a book, with the six stories I’ve written making up the book once they’re all done. I’ve been wondering lately though if maybe Prices is more of a series name and each of the stories should be more of a novella-length piece in the series. Either way I go with Prices, the six existing stories are not the end. I can and will write more in that series, and soon I’ll need another new lead character.