Entries in video (2)


New Sword and Laser Trailer

Well talk about timing. 45 minutes ago I posted my big writeup of Geek & Sundry, Felicia Day’s new YouTube celebration of all things good and geeky in the world. Moments ago, Veronica Belmont of Geek & Sundry’s The Sword & Laser posted a brand new longer trailer for the video version of the S&L show, with a better look at the set and more explanation of what to expect.

The Sword & Laser started about four years ago as a book club, which quickly became an audio podcast. It’s going to remain an audio podcast, with this new show complementing it rather than replacing it.

The video version of The Sword and Laser will be every two weeks, alternating on Friday with Wil Wheaton’s Table Top. It launches on April 13th, kicking off the next book for the S&L community, Lev Grossman’s The Magicians.



More games again today. I’m a little late to the party on this one, but this video is a masterpiece from both a games perspective and even a writing perspective. A lot of the credit has to go to the artists, motion capture systems, and actresses who brought Kara to life, but much also has to go to a very tight, very spare, very powerfully simple story, brilliantly executed.

A commercial android is assembed and put through standard startup tests. Everything checks out until it awakens to consciousness and sentience, and betrays that awakening through independent thought and emotion. 

This is a new concept project from Quantic Dream, the studio that created Heavy Rain.

Inspiration is everywhere.